Beach tourism, eco tourism, cultural tourism, and sports tourism are all part of the tourism sector in kenya. To learn more and to explore numerous examples of community involvement in wildlife tourism from botswana, india, kenya, malawi, namibia, south africa and uganda, read the report supporting sustainable livelihoods through wildlife tourism or find a onepage fact sheet here. Kenya s diverse terrain rises from a low coastal plain on the indian ocean in the east to highlands in the center of the country before descending into. In the past, up to 21% of kenyas national income has been derived from tourism. The direct impacts include humanwildlife conflicts, local community ecotourism projects and their sociocultural impacts, and political corruption, and they effect tourism revenues and tourism to kenya. In the 1980s and 1990s, mass tourism, which placed higher priority on quick profits than protecting the natural resources that attracted. Once you see the sunrise at mount kenya, everything else will pale in comparison. The masai mara is one of the best places in africa to see big cats, and white rhino is easily seen at lake nakuru. Box 1125, eldoret, kenya c school of hospitality and tourismm kenyatta. International program director, atlantic state legal foundation, syracuse, ny. S government for a possible lift in the embargo, kenyans marketing focus is now targeting. Situated in the legendary chyulu hills of southern kenya, with sweeping views of mount kilimanjaro and ernest hemingways green hills of africa, this awardwinning ecolodge provides visitors with an inspiring yet environmentally conscious safari and ecotourism experience unlike any other. May 09, 2016 25 thoughts on kenyas tourism statistics the numbers game valerieoutram may 9, 2016 at 7.
Kenyas wildlife populations are declining markedly as. Developing wildlife tourism in laikipia, kenya who benefits. Kenya practices both eco and mass tourism with the bulk of tourism coming from europe u. Tourism preventing kenyas cheetahs from raising young. Changing the course of history for kenyas wildlife. Wildlife based tourism, ecology and sustainability. This study examines the evolution of kenyas wildlife conservation policies and safari tourism programmes, and argues that safari tourism in kenya has.
It is easy to forget the true extent of todays tourism impact on wildlife. A rare secluded experience, away from crowds theres no question that east africa draws a lot of safari travelers. Tourism accounts for over 12% of the nations gdp and employs over 300,000 kenyans. Ecotourism in kenya maasai wilderness conservation trust. While it can include eco and animalfriendly tourism, safari hunting and similar highintervention activities also fall under the umbrella of wildlife to. The kenya wildlife service kws conserves and manages kenya s wildlife for the kenyan people and the world. Across the sector, stakeholders are undertaking a range of programs and initiatives to mitigate negative impacts of tourism and enhance the positive impacts. On a more positive note, ecotourism does raise awareness as tour operators are motivated to create sustainable trips and help preserve the wildlife and environment. The impact of wildlife tourism in africa african travel. A postcolonial critique article pdf available january 2015 with 684 reads how we measure reads.
In kenya, eco tourism has slowly grown from an abstract concept to a more nichedriven market that attracts both repeat customers and new clients. Pdf kenyas national parks and game reserves form the pillar of the countrys tourism industry, and wildlife viewing and safari tourism are. Tourism is the second largest sector of kenya s economy. Kenya, tourism university staff profiles university of nairobi. Tourism involves movement of people from one place to another for reasons of sightseeing, pleasure and or investment. Sustainable tourism development 14 cases j kenya wildlife service kws j namibia conservancies and community involvement j dashilan cultural heritage and restoration j tunxi old street, huangshan, anhui, china j zambia wildlife authority zwa j wuzhen water town close to shanghai j lake hovsgul in mongolia. It is a major driver of employment, investment and foreign exchange, contributing 4. But, wildlife watching tourism can have adverse effects on wildlife. Kenyas tourism statistics the numbers game the kenyan camper. While some tourist sites blend the traditional tourism with more environmentfriendly tourist activities, there are a number of establishments that fashion themselves as exclusive eco tourism sites. This helps reduce dependence on other sectors such as agriculture, which are subject to weather and market conditions that can often be unpredictable. Challenges facing tourism in kenya tourism is one of the main economic contributors including agricultural activities such as tea cultivation. Conservation of natural and cultural heritage in kenya.
The history and evolution of national parks in kenya. Updated february 25, 2020 our 17day kenya wildlife safari last month was a lifelong dream come true. A mustsee, the real attraction is feeding the giraffes by hand or even by mouth kissing a giraffe. To achieve sustainable tourism without negative impacts, tourist density should be constrained. Abstract a significant proportion of kenyas tourism is wildlife based and 44,000 km2, representing about eight percent of the countrys territory, has been set.
The wildlife conservation and m act kenya law reports. The lumo community wildlife sanctuary is a popular tourist destination it is connected to the coastal tourism circuit, and tsavo east is one of the most visited parks in kenya. Tourists like to see the wildlife as much as possible and at close proximity. It also presents other nbt experiences from botswana, india, kenya. Climate change, habitat degradation and loss, poaching, forest depletion, tourism market volatility, and humanwildlife. And, mount kenya the nations namesake is the secondtallest mountain on the continent. Except, perhaps, the experience of equatorial snow, one of the worlds rarest sights. Manyara and jones 2007 argue that in kenya, communitybased tourism enterprises are preferred. Exploring the countrys finest national parks, wildlife reserves, and communitybased conservancies blessed us with a cornucopia of heartswelling memories we cannot wait to share.
In the early 1980s, kenyas mara nature reserve was home to approximately half a dozen lodges and held fewer than 300 beds. Because this figure covers only a small number of countries and is based on some inconclusive data, it can. Seventyfive percent of kenya s tourism revenue comes from wildlife tourism and yet, kenya s abundant natural resources face challenges on diverse fronts. Benefits and impacts of sustainable wildlife tourism 21. Dec 14, 2014 tourism in kenya is a source of foreign exchange and income for the government. As the highest mountain in kenya and the secondhighest in africa after kilimanjaro, the 5199 metrehigh summit is a demanding climb. Pdf an understanding of the wildlife tourism market is fundamental for the development of a competitive and sustainable tourism industry. While ecotourism and sustainable tourism are recognized as an important, growing tourism segment, primary research to quantify the size and scope of the market in the usa or internationally is lacking work with unwto to collect consistent visitor data, at least from primary markets.
Does wildlife tourism contribute to animal conservation. However, to date we know much more about negative effects of wildlife tourism on wildlife. Kenya has received news of the decision by china to. The open roof top cruiser to masai mara safari was another high end. The launch will be officated by the cabinet secretary ministry of enviroment and natural resources, prof. A case study from masai mara national reserve, narok, kenya. Pdf wildlifebased tourism, ecology and sustainability. Oct 10, 2016 kenyas wildlife populations are declining markedly as livestock numbers grow october 10, 2016 2.
With tourism being one of the biggest foreign exchange earners for kenya, wildlife management and conservation is necessary if kenya is to maintain or improve its earnings from the tourism industry. S government, tourism has suffered a big blow for the past two years. The tourism industry accounts for about 10% of the gross domestic product gdp. About 10% of the country has been set aside for the conservation of the african savanna wildlife and the promotion of safari tourism. Brockway hotel and tourism management institute, switzerland abstract the masai mara game reserve is kenya s finest wildlife reserve, one of the worlds top tourist attractions and vital to kenya s economy. Located in east africa figure 1, the republic of kenya has an estimated population. The quality of their tourism assets high standards in visitor accommodation ef. In kenya, the environment and tourism have always been inextricably linked, and this is a truly symbiotic relationship. Sustainable tourism development in the masai mara national reserve, kenya, east africa j. Tourism in uganda is focused on ugandas landscape and wildlife. Harnessing tourism for growth and improved livelihoods 5 ssa tourism sectors must maintain competitiveness through. Revenue from kenya s wildlife parks increased to ksh. Wildlife conservation, safari tourism and the role of certification in kenya journal of tourism recreation research. In kenya, cultural and natural heritage has a particular value.
Ecotourism statistical fact sheet the international ecotourism society, 2000 onethird of the countrys foreign exchange earnings. Today, there are in excess of 25 permanent lodges and well over 3,000 beds. Equivalent to the entire economy gdp of south africa or hong kong. Tourism, a boost for kenyas economy tourism sector in kenya recognizes the need and significance of sustainability in tourism. In the past, up to 21% of kenya s national income has been derived from tourism. Ecotourism kenya is a membership organization and is one of seven privatesector associations that make up the kenya tourism federation ktf as a membership organization, ecotourism kenya brings together individuals, community based organizations cbos and tourism businesses in a forum where they discuss the concept of ecotourism and use the resultant knowledge to improve their operations. Therefore, we must accept the ugly truth, which is that some rather uncomfortable policies in certain countries might actually encourage wildlife conservation in the long term.
Kenyas natural endowment namely wildlife, beautiful scenery, sandy beaches, sporting activities, hotel facilities has made tourism one of the countrys major economic activities. This sanctuary is one of the community areas richest in wildlife and is part of the transboundary ecosystem that connects tsavo west and mkomazi national reserve in. The history and evolution of national parks in kenya mungumi bakari chongwa this historical perspective of national parks in kenyawill cover early preservation of wildlife in the thenbritish east africa protectorate to the current reorientation of conservation in the country. Wilderness areas are dwindling and wild animals are struggling to find a way to avoid interaction with society. Measuring the economic value of wildlife watching tourism in. Key issues in principle, wildlife tourism can have various positive effects on wildlife species and their habitats. Wildlife managed by kws forms the backbone of the tourism industry, since most visitors come first and foremost to view wildlife. Climate change, habitat degradation and loss, poaching, forest depletion, tourism market volatility, and human wildlife. This consolidated and synergized two key elements in our iconic african safari tourism experience, which is defined by our unique big five, namely, the lion, elephant, cheetah, rhino, and buffalo. In a manner of speaking, wildlife tourism is the proverbial goose that lays the golden egg in the kenyan economyits the lifeline. Tourism sector performance report 2018 kenya tourism board. In contrast, effects of tourism activity on a population or ecological community level are generally more indirect and can be either positive, negative or neutral buckley, 2009.
Kenyas tourism product lines that is, supply and their source markets that is, demand function in a crosssectoral context, which leads to crosscutting public and private sector issues. One of the most prominent, negative effects of tourism on wildlife is simply the loss of a safe place for wildlife to stay wild. Tourism has played a major role in kenya s development despite economic jolts from timetotime by. Human wildlife conflict hwc is fast becoming a critical threat to the survival of many globally endangered species, in particular to large and rare mammals such as the sumatran tiger panthera tigris sumatrae and the asian lion panthera leo persica, but also to less endangered species such as the snow leopard uncia uncia and the red colobus monkey procolocus kirkii. They can be found from the hot coastlands to the cool moorlands of the aberdares and mount kenya range. Before your safari departs, catch some of the many attractions of east africas most important city. The team at wild life clubs of kenya are sold out to the cause of educating the younger generation on environmental conservation. For someone always on the verge of coming back to kenya to open something up it is illuminating and refreshing to really see the truth about what is happening in the tourist industry. The proposal to set up an ecotourism project at the kimana swamp was rst. Its prehistoric heritage not only tells the story of mans origin and evolution but has also contributed to the understanding of the earths history. Tourism is kenya s third largest source of foreign exchange, it dominates the service sector, and contributes significantly to employment.
An area of breathtaking vastness, soul soothing sunsets and a deafening silence only interrupted by the sounds of its wildlife. Tourism in kenya overview and statistics kenya tourism. Due to the travel advisories against kenya by the u. Nairobi tourism kenya safari natural habitat adventures. In kenya, for instance, wildlife related tourism is one of the most successful in the developing world ogutu, 2006. Measuring the economic value of wildlife watching tourism. Seventyfive percent of kenyas tourism revenue comes from wildlife tourism and yet, kenyas abundant natural resources face challenges on diverse fronts. Wildlife conservation, safari tourism and the role of tourism certification in kenya.
All of the big five are regularly seen on a standard safari. Pdf wildlife conservation, safari tourism and the role of. Jun 25, 2017 changing the course of history for kenyas wildlife. Kenya is endowed with rich natural resources including wildlife, aquatic and marine life, hydropower and some minerals. Unwto briefing paper unwto towards measuring the economic value of wildlife watching tourism in africa areas. What key challenges does the kenya wildlife conservation project face. Kenya wildlife service data office, 2014 personal communication. On the other hand, places such as the galapagos islands rely almost. From the endless jokes on the road to the breathtaking sightssaw mount kenya and giraffe the amazing photos to keep the memories alive and the actual trip in the forest.
Today, the typical international tourist arrives in kenya on a package tour that may include a safari, a visit to the beach, or both. Most of the countrys tourism is based on wildlife safari. Tourism preventing kenya s cheetahs from raising young, study finds this article is more than 1 year old research in maasai mara linked areas with. Still, the greatest threat remains illegal hunting. Until recently, kenya has been a popular tourist destination in africa receiving over 6% of the total international tourist arrivals to the continent. A few of these places are mount kenya, meru national park, kora national park, and amboseli national park. This therefore means that wildlife conservation and management in kenya is meant to preserve the ecosystem for aesthetic, scientific and economic.
The humid broadleaf forests along the coast of the indian ocean give way to lush grasslands and savannas. Local communities and ecotourism development in kenya. The positive and negative impacts of ecotourism on african. Wildlife tourism is an element of many nations travel industry centered around observation and interaction with local animal and plant life in their natural habitats. During the 1990s, the number of tourists travelling to kenya decreased, partly due to the wellpublicised murders of several tourists. Since independence, there has been a steady rise in the number of protected areas pas national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, especially after the enactment of the.
The share of wildlife tourism is claimed to form 9% of global gdp in 2011. Discover africas great game from angama mara safari travellers to the mara are assured of astonishing and abundant wildlife sightings all year round. The contribution of wildlife tourism to countries economies has increased significantly. Tourism within kenya is found to be very successful in terms of economic benefit. The tourism industry accounts for about 10% of the gross domestic product gdp, making it the third largest contributor after agriculture and manufacturing. About kenya if any country in the world would boast of gods creation all enclosed in its boundaries. Giraffe have little competition for the tender leaves of the acacia tree, their principal food.
Some destinations face gross overcrowding, such as south africas krueger national park or the masai mara in kenya where you have tourists looking at other tourists, instead of at lions. Tourism in kenya is a source of foreign exchange and income for the government. Kenya tanzania safari african safaris natural habitat. However, tourism in kenya is one of the leading sources of foreign exchange along with coffee. The tourism industry has come to realize that wildlife equals money and that it is worth much more alive than dead. Wildlife tourism in africa has increased steadily over the years as more and more tourists visit africas legendary wildlife. Measuring tourist satisfaction with kenyas wildlife. Ecotourism in kenya also helps minimize humananimal conflicts over territory and natural resources, which are detrimental to conservation efforts. Wildlife tourism world bank documents world bank group. Australia there are an estimated 600 ecotourism operators in australia today, approximately 85% of these employ fewer. Pdf wildlife conservation, safari tourism and the role. Kenyas ecotourism history has produced some direct and indirect impacts on present day people.
The kenya lake system of the geologically dramatic great rift valley is a unesco world heritage site. Tourism is the second largest sector of kenyas economy. Kenyas population is 41 million, with 42% under 15. Natural habitat adventures has arranged an expertly guided tour of some of nairobis most interesting highlights. Kenya is the regional hub for trade and finance in east africa, and its economy is dominated by tourism, transportation, communications and agriculture. Akamai university, department of sustainability studies, hilo, hi. Assessing the possible local community benefits from.
Wildlife as a lifeline to kenyas economy george wright society. The natural beauty and the existence of an abundance of wildlife attract many tourists from the developed world. Pdf positive effects of wildlife tourism on wildlife. An industrialised kenya will still need wilderness. A study on the benefits and risks of a fast growing tourism activity and its impacts on species unepcms secretariat, bonn, germany.
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